Though God has removed the kingdom from Saul, He has yet to name Israel’s next king. At this point in Israel’s history our focus shifts to David. Throughout his life, David displays a heart that longs to be obedient to the Lord. This precise quality leads God to chose David as king. When the time comes for Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel, all of David’s brothers, the sons of a man named Jesse, are brought before him. Though they look the part of king, God tells Samuel not to look at their appearance because “the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) After seeing and rejecting all of his brothers, it is David, a shepherd, the youngest and smallest of Jesse’s family, that God chooses for Israel’s next king.

After watching David’s most noteworthy triumph, the slaying of Goliath (1 Samuel 17), Saul learns that David is to be the next king of Israel. In response, Saul begins chasing David in order to kill him. Despite Saul’s murderous intentions, David refuses to take Saul’s life when the opportunities arise, sparing him on multiple occasions. The time from David’s anointing by Samuel to his coronation by the Israelites overlaps the end of Saul’s reign. Though God has taken the kingdom from Saul and given it to David, he refuses to relinquish his power. The book of 1 Samuel ends with Saul taking his own life while under attack from the Philistines, thus bringing an end to the reign of Saul and officially beginning David’s time as king of God’s people.





1 Samuel 16:1-13


Our Father God is always actively at work drawing people to Himself. We are created in His image and a unique part of His creation, separate from animals, plants and angels. We are created to glorify Him and enjoy a relationship with Him. This is who we are meant to be.

Society and the enemy have a very different purpose for people. Those who are wealthy, beautiful, intelligent, likeable, etc. are found to be more acceptable. Those who do not meet these worldly standards are sometimes considered lesser people. They may even take foolish actions to change themselves to gain popularity.

In our story today, Samuel is commanded by God to anoint a new king. Directed to the house of Jesse of Bethlehem, his sons appear before Samuel. Samuel carefully considers their outward, visible qualities. That is, until the Lord instructs him that He looks at the heart. Our family ingredient of Identity clearly displays this godly principle: who God thinks you are and what He says about you is true. Believing in this true identity from Him is a safe refuge.


  • Which of Jesse’s sons did God pick as the new king? Why? 

  • Describe a time when someone did not get chosen because of the way they looked on the outside? Discuss. Have you ever had that happen to you or done that?

  • What can you NOT tell about someone just by looking?

  • What would someone NOT KNOW about you just by looking?

  • Read 1 Samuel 16:7. What might be different about the way we view a person and God views a person?

  • What steps are you taking to develop your inner beauty?


Activity 1: God Looks at the Heart

This activity helps children explore the difference between what people might see on the surface and what God knows about us. God’s eyes see our value/gifts even when others do not.

Supplies: litmus paper strips (available at church) and liquids (safe ones for children to touch), e.g. hand soap, lemon juice, water, milk, different drinks. Liquid’s PH will change strip’s color. 


  1. Guess what color the strip will become when you touch it to the liquid. Now, touch litmus paper strips to different liquids. 

  2. Did you guess correctly?  

  3. What qualities do you want God to see when He looks at your inner heart? Draw a large heart outline. Write the positive qualities on dry strips and glue on the heart as a visual reminder.

  4. Ask God to make your hearts like His and to help you see people's hearts rather than just judging by appearance.

To view sample, google search: "Creative Children’s Ministry God Looks at the Heart."

Small Groups

Small Group Discussion

  • What promise is there to proclaim?

  • From where does courage come? How do you get it when you need it? (i.e. when some fear towers over you and threatens you, and you feel like cowering and fleeing into some cave of protection.)

  • What made David different?

  • What is the source of your courage? Courage is not an autonomous, self-generated virtue. Courage is always produced by faith, whether our faith is in God or something else.