David’s life and reign serve as another of the Old Testament’s foreshadows, or types, of Jesus. Though David, like all of humanity, is far from perfect -- he is marked by a sinful nature -- he has a heart that longs to live in faithful, obedient relationship with God. Much of our reading about David throughout 1 and 2 Samuel tells of his success in leading Israel’s military victories. In these, we see the Lord’s blessing and favor upon not only David, but the entire nation of Israel. David leads them to repeated victory in battle, and regular worship to the Lord (2 Samuel 6). We also discover that from David’s line will come a Messiah, the Redeemer, the One whose throne will be established forever.

This week’s reading also includes the story of David’s adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband, Uriah (2 Samuel 11). Despite this obvious sin, in his repentance, we see David’s heart for the Lord (2 Samuel 12). Humanity -- even the best of it -- is broken by sin. But sin does not have to be a person’s defining characteristic. Though this sinful and troubling event is the most infamous in David’s life, he is later described as “a man after God’s own heart.” (Acts 13:22) Even in the Old Testament, we see that God looks for a heart of repentance in His people. All that is true for David holds true for us as well. Although it may sometimes feel as if our sins and failures are the most prominent features in the story of our lives, God looks for a heart of repentance. He longs for us to have a heart that confesses sin and, in faith, turns to Jesus, the fulfillment of the promised Messiah from the line of David, as the only source of eternal forgiveness.


2 Samuel 7:1-22

Knowing God

After King David builds a beautiful palace for himself, he desires to glorify the Lord by building Him a beautiful temple. The prophet, Nathan, gives the go-ahead but then hears from God in a dream that this is not His plan. God still desires to continue to dwell among the people in the Tabernacle, as He has since the time of Moses.  However, the Lord is pleased with David’s desire to honor Him. God promises He will always be present with David, make his name great, bring rest and blessing to His people, and freedom from oppression. When David dies, one of his sons will rule and build God’s temple. He will experience discipline for sin but the line of David will endure forever. God will not withdraw His love. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise. No longer does God “dwell” in a building constructed by human hands, but rather in the hearts of those who ask Him into their lives. This ingredient of Knowing God brings salvation and friendship with God forever! 


  • Did God command King David to build a temple for Him? Whose idea was it? Why?

  • List all the blessings God promised David for his future and the future of the Israelite people.

  • Read David’s praise to God in 2 Samuel 7:18-19. What question did David ask at the end of verse 18? What do we deserve because of our sinful nature? Read Romans 6:23. What gift does God give us instead in Jesus? 

  • Read Ephesians 3:17a. What does it mean “that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith”? How can Christ come to dwell in our hearts? 


Activity 1: Banner Activity

Supplies: paper, slender dowel rods (can substitute stick or long straw), hole punch, markers.

Read Psalm 60:4-5, written by King David. David describes a rallying place to gather before God in the face of his enemy. He encourages us to cry out for rescue and God's power to move on our behalf. At the center of the rallying place, God Himself will raise a banner signifying His triumph.  Discuss things that are true about God. Cut out pennant shapes and decorate with pictures or phrases describing these truths and God’s power to save. Punch holes in the side of the pennant; thread a dowel through the holes for a handle. Play music and march or dance around the room while declaring His faithfulness. For added fun, use a glow stick for the handle and declare praises under the stars. Alternative idea: Make a family banner. Write letters of last name down the side of the banner; write phrases beside each letter that describe your family’s values in Christ.

Small Groups

Small Group Discussion

  • What sin is there to avoid?

  • How had David come to this?

  • Had a man ever been so blessed by God? Every promise to David had been kept. Everything David touched had flourished. Never had Israel as a nation been so spiritually alive, so politically stable, so wealthy, so militarily powerful. And at the peak of this unprecedented prosperity, David committed such heinous sin. Why? How could he have resisted so many temptations in dangerous, difficult days and then yield at the height of success?