The book of Galatians has a simple, central message:

Galatia was a region situated in modern-day Turkey. Paul’s letter was likely circulated among multiple churches in the area.

One important reminder from the book of Galatians is to keep main things, the main things. This chart helps us organize theological or Biblical topics into primary (top), secondary (middle), and tertiary (bottom) categories.
God’s commands are intended to provide the pathway toward flourishing and thriving in life and relationship with Him. Legalism tries to turn that pathway (train tracks) into a ladder, by which we climb to God.
If we envision ourselves in the passenger car of this train, the Gospel teaches us that it is God’s grace that pulls along the pathway of obedience.
Galatians reminds us that faith is the conduit through which we receive the grace that saves and the link that connects us to the grace that propels our obedience.
Jesus’ work on the cross reaches up into heaven and draws us into God’s family, reaches down into the human soul and redeems us from our slavery to sin, and reaches to the ends of the earth to make family out of brothers and sisters in Christ.