We believe God is the greatest thing in the universe. His son, Jesus, is the greatest human to have ever lived. The story of Him saving humanity from sin is the greatest truth the world has ever known. There is only one place to find that story: the Bible -- a book that most acknowledge is important, but far fewer truly engage with. 

It is from this place that the Bible Initiative was brought to life. We have a desire to see God’s people know God’s story, to be fueled by faith in God’s Son, and to expand God’s Kingdom for His glory. What you’re holding is a tool, a resource, to be used alongside God’s Word, not to replace God’s Word. Our longing is that the Bible initiative would aid you in reading, studying, knowing, and being changed by the Bible.

We are praying that five things would happen through the Bible Initiative. 

1) That God would speak.

There is no substitute for the Word of God; He has spoken through Scripture. By meeting Him there, you allow Him the space to speak timeless truth to your heart. 

2) That God would transform your heart and life into the image of Jesus.

If you come before Scripture humbly, you allow the Holy Spirit room to move you into greater obedience to God. 

3) That God would inform your mind of His truth.

In the Bible, God has given you everything you need for life, salvation, and holy living.

4) That God would create in you a hunger for Him and His word.

We pray that this year in Scripture will not be the end of your engagement with the Bible, but the beginning.

5) That God would lead you to worship.

We pray that as you see the magnificence of God and His work to save humanity from sin, you will be left in awe of Him, longing to do nothing more than worship Him with all your life for the remainder of your life.


Throughout the year, you will find a reading plan with five days of reading for each week, a brief explanation of that week's section of scripture, a family devotional and activity, and individual or small group discussion questions. Each of these is designed to aid you and your family in reading, understanding, and applying the truth of the Bible to your everyday life. 



"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword." -Hebrews 4:12 

This incredible promise is the foundation of our Bible Initiative Family Devotionals. It is our desire that as you read these words together, your hearts and lives will be changed to be more like Jesus.

The Bible tells parents that it is our privilege and responsibility to pass on to our children a living faith in God the Father, through Jesus Christ.  How can you do this in the most effective way possible? On the following page you will find the "Family Soup Recipe". It contains eleven different family ingredients to help make passing the baton of faith as easy as possible for your children to receive, helping them take off and grow in their own life of faith. Be intentional with these ingredients, so they grow strong in your home.

There is a family devotional each week based on one of the eleven ingredients. To prepare:

1. Read over the Bible passage and the family ingredient. This will help you prepare to share the Bible story. Tell the story in the simplest and most effective way, based on your child's age.

2. Read over the questions and activities. Decide which will work best for your child and gather simple supplies, if needed. 

3. Share the story, discuss the questions and do the activity. 

It’s that simple. Make it short, intentional, and fun. Enjoy, and let the Bible do its work in your hearts.


Parents, your home is like a bowl of soup. Within the base of the soup are many different ingredients. Each ingredient brings something that no other ingredient can bring. Without any of the needed ingredients, the flavor of the soup will be lacking. Our home “family soup recipe” needs these specific, healthy ingredients to foster the greatest potential for each of our children to know and grow in relationship to God the Father through Christ. This is our chosen recipe as seen in the life of Christ on earth.



Children love stories. This sweet ingredient highlights the truth of God’s Word and the way God has been moving throughout history to bring redemption, salvation, and hope through Christ. God is clearly the Hero and He invites us, as His supporting cast, to live our unique part of the story for His glory.


God is holy, mighty, awesome, and does not change! The ingredient of knowing God creates the meatiness of our soup. As we as parents uphold and display God's character, we give our children a rock-solid foundation to stand upon, no matter the circumstances or claims of others.


This tender yet fibrous ingredient adds the flavor of knowing, "What does God think and say about me?" He knit us together perfectly and knows all about us. He loves us. Wherever we are, He is there (Ps. 139). Furthermore once we give our life to Christ as Savior and Lord, we have been chosen, adopted, redeemed, and given an inheritance in Christ (Eph. 1), all of which we did nothing to earn. These truths allow children to stand firm against the destructive counter identities the world will throw at them.


This fundamental ingredient regulates the warmth of the home. Children need love and respect to flourish. Children are to honor and obey; parents are commanded not to provoke (Eph.6:1-4). The Father lovingly sanctifies us. Parents should do likewise. Love and acceptance should never be withheld due to a child’s disobedience.


This fragrant flavor can permeate our home. Worship puts our focus on our Creator and Redeemer. We do not have to be in control. A cheerful heart is good medicine (Prov.17:22). Praise and thanksgiving lead us into an awareness of God’s presence (Ps.100:4). There is no more secure or delightful place to dwell. 


Being a consistent part of a local church is a rich ingredient that we can give to our children. God designed us to live in relationship and to experience Him in ways that can only happen in proximity with other believers. “Living life together” gives our kids, other adults and peers to stand beside them and encourage them throughout their walk with Christ.


This hardy ingredient is essential for our homes to function well. It motivates each family member to do their part. Everyone must take ownership for one’s life, commitments, gifts, and resources before God. Responsibility also extends outside the home to the church and nonbelievers. 


This lowly ingredient is crucial for our world to see Christ in us. This heart posture asks the question, “What needs to be done?” It allows the Holy Spirit to cultivate sensitivity and focus on causes bigger than oneself.  It is an antidote for the selfish viewpoint -- "It is all about ME." As Christ-followers, we are to view our lives as living sacrifices that we generously give away!


This bold flavored ingredient encourages families to step out in faith. It creates a dependence on the Holy Spirit to equip and strengthen beyond natural abilities and desires. This crucial ingredient will cultivate a generation that, instead of seeking comfort, seeks a radical life of faith in Christ.


This curative ingredient not only involves consequences, but additional restorative aspects of discipleship as well. It is not bitter; it is not given in anger or self-seeking. Biblical discipline includes: 1) An appropriate amount of pain or restriction, 2) Building up in love, 3) Repentance of sin to God and others, and 4) Discussion and prayer to stay on the corrected path -- all done with the intent of healing and forward progress.


This gleaming ingredient becomes more polished as we utilize it. What we say we believe is what we do in reality. Modeling spiritual characteristics and actions puts flesh on faith. When I see Christ in my parents, I see how to live like Him. 





These questions are a tool to help small groups or individuals engage with Scripture on a daily basis. We hope that utilizing these questions will help you better understand the Bible. We do not want you to simply talk about the Bible; we want you to understand Scripture and know how to apply it to your lives. 

1. What does this passage say? Where does this passage take place within the Bible’s overall story?

Summarize the main point of the passage as succinctly as possible. 

2.  What does this passage mean to its original audience?

Understand the context of the passage by discerning the author’s intent for its original audience. Often this may require consulting other study tools or cross-referencing other Biblical passages.

3.  What does this passage tell us about God?

Discover what the text tells us about the character of God. Does it say anything about His work through the life and death of Jesus Christ?

4. What does this passage tell us about humanity? What does the text reveal about sin and humanity's need for the gospel?

Analyze the text to see what it reveals about humanity. This question should lead to reflection and self-examination.

5. What does this passage demand of me?

Apply the passage to daily life. Hopefully the first four questions help us gain an understanding of the meaning of the text. Now we are positioned to correctly apply its meaning.

6.  How does this passage change the way I relate to people?

Apply the passage to your relationships with others.  We want to encourage discussion on how the text shapes both how we relate to other believers and how we “live on mission” in the world.

7.  How does this passage prompt me to pray?

Pray. At our core we want to root our prayers in the Word of God.  Hopefully, the previous six questions spark passionate prayer in the lives of believers – both in sanctification and our mission to reach the lost.  Hopefully, we walk away from each reading with an action step in mind.